Techmion Logistics

Techmion Logistics

Techmion Logistics is advanced logistic management system ERP which is built keeping three important factors in mind Ease of Use, Security and Reliability. Techmion Logistics is highly customizable and can add additional modules based upon requirement. Our software is now used over multiple location and we provide free upgrades to new features automatically to our clients. The software demo location wise can be found in the link provided below.

Logistics Features

1. Main Branch:

Main Branch (Home Branch) or the home branch is treated as the Super admin and can add or remove locations. It has additional administrative privileges and view in addition to all functionalities of Sub branch.

2. Sub Branch:

Sub Branches are subsidiary to Main Branch. It can perform all the major logistic operation but doesn’t have any administrative rights. (Both Main and Sub Branch can be modified based upon request.)

3. Custom Prefix:

Custom Location Wise Prefix on all Receipts for dynamic tracking and maintenance.

4. Email and SMS Notifications:

Email and SMS based booking notification to Consignor and Consignee. SMS notifications are disabled in demo account.

5. Bookkeeping:

a. Company Ledger: Maintain full company ledger on debit and credit. A simple secure solution.

b. Location wise Ledger: Find out location wise cost and find out which location is performing in which capacity to identify important locations.

c. Party Wise Ledger: Party (Customer) wise ledger to keep track on your customer expenditure and debit and credit balance.

d. Expense Ledger: Bulk Add company expenditure date wise to later retrieve and analyze the company costing. This feature has additional password protection.

6. Booking :

Booking of consignment with option to edit in case of mistakes. Package number wise or LOOSE and other options supported. Crossing transport option supported. Every booking notification is sent by email and SMS.

7. Dispatch :

Dispatching the booking into Lorry/Truck date wise with multiple consignments in one lorry is done here.

8. Arrival :

Dispatched trucks are marked arrived in marked destinations.

9. Cancellation :

Non dispatched consignments have an option of cancellation.

10. Lorry Receipts

Add lorry receipts for dispatched lorry/truck with lorry cost.

11. Bill Receipts:

Generate bill consignor/consignee wise for consignments.

12. Money Receipts (MR):

Generate party wise money receipts against Bills or directly against consignments.

13. Delivery Reports (DR):

Generate delivery reports for delivered consignments.

14. DR MR Bill List:

Comparative display of DR MR BILL List.

15. Reprint Option:

Reprint all receipts here.

16. Client Management:

Add and manage all clients here.

17. Vehicle Management:

Add and manage all vehicles/trucks/lorries here.

18. Crossing Transport Management:

Add and manage all crossing transports here.

19. Double Layered Password Protected Modules:

Additional modules can be Double Layered password protected based on requirements.

Additional Query